The Society for Caribbean Linguistics (SCL) at its Biennial General Meeting held at the Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica on Wednesday, 8 August 2018 elected/confirmed the following persons to serve for the 2018-2018 term:
President Jo-Anne S. Ferreira (UWI, St. Augustine)
Immediate Past President Silvia Kouwenberg (UWI, Mona)
Vice-President Joyce Pereira (U of Curaçao)
Secretary Clive Forrester (Waterloo)
Treasurer René Zúñiga Argüello (Purdue)
Publications Officer Joseph T. Farquharson (UWI, Mona)
Officer Korah Belgrave (UWI, Cave Hill)
Officer R. Sandra Evans (UWI, St. Augustine)
The Society would like to thank the people who served in the last term, wish the new Executive all the best for the new term, and encourage all members of the Society to lend support to the officers as they carry out their duties.